In response to the
terrorist atrocities committed against the World Trade Center, Pentagon and
Flight 93 on September 11, 2001, and subsequent threats to the transportation
system, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has initiated
programs to protect the public from terrorists using commercial motor vehicles
as weapons or targets. A top priority for commercial vehicle security is
protecting the transportation of hazardous materials.
Vehicle and cargo security cannot be over-stressed. Be
conscious of the security of your unit and eliminate the temptation of a
stranger tampering with your freight.
Inspect the equipment
and conveyance for signs of tampering that may have taken place and look for any
items that may have been hidden on or underneath the equipment or conveyance.
In addition to a cargo
seal where required, drivers must install a pad lock on trailer doors and keep
trailer locked except during loading and unloading operations.